Resolved -
Caseware Cloud Service, SmartSync Cloud Service, Cloud-based Engagement Solutions, Data Analytics Platform, Sherlock monitoring has resumed successfully - Incident Resolved.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Mar 27, 21:29 UTC
Monitoring -
Caseware Cloud Service, SmartSync Cloud Service, Cloud-based Engagement Solutions, Data Analytics Platform, Sherlock has resumed normal activity.
We are actively monitoring our systems to ensure that there are no residual issues. We will continue to provide updates as necessary.
Mar 27, 19:27 UTC
Update -
Continuing to investigate the outage of our Caseware Cloud Service, SmartSync Cloud Service, Cloud-based Engagement Solutions, Data Analytics Platform, Sherlock service(s). At this moment no additional information is available, we will keep you informed as new information becomes available.
Mar 27, 18:53 UTC
Investigating -
We are experiencing a Major Outage of our Caseware Cloud Service, SmartSync Cloud Service, Cloud-based Engagement Solutions, Data Analytics Platform, Sherlock service(s) in the United States region(s). Our teams are working to identify the root cause and determine the necessary corrective actions.
An update will be provided within the hour.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Mar 27, 18:43 UTC